Terms and Conditions

1. Applicability.

This is the legal agreement between Swift Custom Boxes Com (the “Seller”) and you (the “Buyer”) when you purchase our custom packaging products.  It covers all sales unless we have a separate written contract with you that says otherwise. Think of it as the fine print that protects both of us! This agreement replaces any prior discussions or quotes you may have received about a specific order.

How Orders Work

When you submit a purchase order to Swift Custom Boxes Com, it’s considered an offer to buy our products – not a finalized contract just yet.  We have the right to accept or reject any offer.

The Fine Print Matters

These Terms and Conditions (this document) are the main rules that govern our agreement. They apply unless we sign a separate written contract with you for a specific project.

We Don’t Like Surprises

Sometimes, buyers include extra terms on their purchase orders. Unless we specifically agree to those extra terms in writing, they DON’T apply.  This is important because we want to be clear and upfront about what both sides have agreed to. For example, if your purchase order tries to change our return policy, that wouldn’t be valid unless we separately agreed to it.

Why Do We Do This?

Having clear, standard terms keeps things clear, prevents misunderstandings, and helps us provide the best possible service to all our customers. If you have concerns about specific terms, the best approach is to contact us directly before placing your order.

2. Acceptance.

When Your Order Becomes Official

An order isn’t considered final until we at Swift Custom Boxes Com officially accept it.  After we review your order, we have the right to accept all of it, only part, or none of it.

Splitting Shipments

Sometimes we need to ship your order in multiple deliveries.  Don’t worry – each delivery is treated as a separate mini-contract, with the same Terms & Conditions applying.

Change of Mind? Let Us Know ASAP!

We try to be flexible, but once we’ve accepted your order, it can’t be canceled or changed. That’s because we often start production quickly to get your boxes to you on time. If there’s a problem with your order, the best thing to do is contact our customer support immediately, and we’ll see if we can find a solution together.

3. Prices, Taxes, and Fees

Pricing & Validity

Quotes we give you for custom packaging are good for 30 days unless we state otherwise in writing.

Taxes Are Extra

Our prices don’t include taxes or shipping costs. You’ll be responsible for paying any applicable taxes and delivery fees related to your order. (This rule is for international deliveries).

Prices Can Change

We reserve the right to adjust our prices before you place your official order. Prices are based on the specific details of what you need (quantity, materials, etc.).  We’ll always let you know if a price change impacts your existing quote before you finalize your order.

5. Payment Terms.

Our standard payment terms are “Net 30” – this means payment is due within 30 days of your invoice date. If your payment is late, you may be responsible for collection costs, including any legal fees we incur.

6. Security Interest.

To protect ourselves, we retain a security interest in the boxes we sell you until they’re fully paid for.  This means if you don’t pay, we may have the right to reclaim those products. We may ask you to sign additional paperwork to make this official.

7. Delivery; Risk of Loss.

Delivery dates are our best estimate, but things can happen! We reserve the right to adjust order quantities if needed.  Your boxes become your responsibility once they leave our facility (“FOB Shipping Point”). This means you assume the risk if they get lost or damaged in transit.

8. Inspections and Claims.

Important: Check Your Order Carefully!

Please inspect your boxes and the shipping paperwork as soon as they arrive. Let us know in writing about any shortages or damaged items within 5 days of receiving your order.

To report a problem, you must also:

Return the damaged boxes to us within 10 days of delivery

Include the original shipping documents with a note from the delivery company confirming the damage.

If you don’t notify us within 5 days, we may not be able to accept your claim.

Please note: Using the boxes, even if they have some damage, means you’ve accepted them “as is.”  This helps us resolve any shipping or quality issues quickly.

9. Cancellation and Returns.

Important: Check Your Order Carefully!

Please inspect your boxes and the shipping paperwork as soon as they arrive. Let us know in writing about any shortages or damaged items within 5 days of receiving your order.

To report a problem, you must also:

  • Return the damaged boxes to us within 10 days of delivery
  • Include the original shipping documents with a note from the delivery company confirming the damage.

If you don’t notify us within 5 days, we may not be able to accept your claim.

Please note: Using the boxes, even if they have some damage, means you’ve accepted them “as is.”  This helps us resolve any shipping or quality issues quickly.

10. Use of Buyer’s Marks; Indemnification.

Using Your Logos and Artwork

You give Swift Custom Boxes Com permission to use your logos, artwork, and brand name to create your custom packaging. This is essential so we can actually do our job!

You also agree to take responsibility if there are any legal issues related to your artwork (like copyright disputes).

Showing Off Our Work

We might want to use your logo or examples of your packaging in our marketing materials (like on our website). You give us permission to do this, but you can also ask us to remove it at any time.

11. Confidentiality.

Any pricing information we give you is confidential. Please don’t share it with others.  We expect you to treat our pricing details with the same care and secrecy you’d use for your own sensitive business information.

12: Our Warranty Promise

We stand behind our work! If your boxes have any material or manufacturing defects when they arrive, let us know, and we’ll make it right.  Your options may include a replacement, repair, or a refund – we’ll decide what’s best in each situation.

Important Limits

This is the ONLY warranty we offer. We can’t be held responsible for lost profits or other costs caused by a defective product, even if you tell us those risks exist. Our total liability is capped at the amount you paid for the boxes.

Descriptions Aren’t Warranties

Any descriptions of our products (in quotes, brochures, etc.) are just to help you identify the item.  They’re not a promise of specific performance unless we confirm it in writing.

13. Termination.

We reserve the right to cancel all or part of your order at any time if we decide it’s necessary.  We’ll provide you with written notice if this happens.

14. Forced Circumstances.

We won’t be held responsible for delays or failures in fulfilling your order if they’re caused by events completely outside our control. This includes things like natural disasters, wars, strikes, major accidents, government actions, or unexpected supply chain disruptions.

15. Prevailing Party.

If there’s a legal dispute related to this contract and one side wins in court (or arbitration), the loser has to pay the winner’s legal fees and court costs.

16. Assignment; Third Parties.

  • You can’t transfer your rights or responsibilities under this contract to another company without our written permission.  If you try, it won’t be legally valid.
  • Even if we allow you to transfer the contract, the original Buyer (you) is still responsible if something goes wrong.
  • This contract is strictly between us and you.  It doesn’t give any rights to other companies or individuals.

17. Notices.

How We Send Official Notices

Official notices related to this contract must be in writing.  Here are the acceptable methods:

  • Hand Delivery: Effective immediately when delivered in person.
  • Fax or Email (.PDF): Effective on the date of receipt, as long as the sender can prove it was sent and received.
  • Courier (e.g., FedEx): Effective on the promised delivery date.
  • US Mail (Certified): Effective 3 business days after being mailed.

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